People Power in Action

































Can You Believe or Trust a Mining Company?

50% of the Central Coast’s water catchment is at risk of being lost forever from the proposed impact of long wall coal mining by Kores (a South-Korean Government owned mining company).

The coal that will be mined will go back to Korea to boost their economy.

The mining company has not produced to the community, via the community consultative committee (set up as a condition of mining exploration), any evidence to support their claims that the proposed longwall coal mine beneath the water catchment will not impact on the water supply.

The mining company has to date refused to provide information on the impact of subsidence - both horizontal and vertical.
When asked for this information all the community consultative committee gets is excuses.

Throughout NSW, longwall coal mining has had a devastating impact on both river and underground water systems - many of them have been lost forever.

The Australian Coal Alliance has substantive and compelling evidence that longwall coal mining will compromise the integrity of the Wyong water catchment valleys.

Pure, fresh water is our most priceless natural asset. The Australian Coal Alliance has expert evidence that the proposed mining activities are highly likely to compromise the integrity of the water catchment aquifers and the river systems.

  Mine Maps  

Map in relation to surrounding district

Regional Locality Map

Mining sequence map

Tooheys Road Site


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The potential to DESTROY the Central Coasts' largest water resource.

The extent of areas affected by subsidence due to underground coal mining can be more significant than subsidence resulting from other forms of activity, and can result in both vertical and horizontal movements. Longwall coal mining is the major cause of mine subsidence in NSW and the loss of underground and surface water resources.

  Environmental Protection Authority  
2004 Coal Mines Report

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Extract . . .

The EPA is a statutory body with specific powers under environment protection legislation. In September 2003, the EPA became part of the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). As part of its industry sector-based Compliance Audit Program, the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) conducted compliance audits at 16 licensed coal mines in NSW. The audit objectives were to:

  • assess the compliance of each enterprise with the statutory instruments issued to it and with legislation empowering the EPA to act

  • outline a program of follow-up actions needed to address non-compliances and improve environmental performance.

  This report is a collation of these audit findings. It provides an insight into the industry sector’s overall compliance and a summary of other issues of environmental concern identified through ‘further observations’ during audits.