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Evans & Mitchell McCotter
Précis Summary
Summary of an appraisal by M R Evans, B.Sc., -
Principal Hydrologist, Salient Solutions Australia Pty Ltd,
Consultant to the Australian Coal Alliance
- on the impact of longwall coal mining on the Wyong Water
Quotes: |
The water balance
within the coal seams has not been defined.
Pertubations in
the system caused by development (longwall coal mining) altering
the hydraulic state of aquifers. There is every possibility this
project will impact upon the existing groundwater flow system
and coal seam hydrology.
A conclusion (Faiz
et.al.2003) drawn from the period of uplift in the Cretacious-Tertiary
Period, where tectonic activity opened up overlying Strata “. .
. the escape route opened up in this period to the possibility
of groundwater connectivity, between the coal seams and the
shallow aquifers . . .” (Evans, R.)
The valleys have
a complex water system that is being developed to support
current and future developments. A multi-land use cannot be made
in isolation.
The role of
meteoric water migration through coal seams in the enhancement
of methanogenesia process (Faiz et.al.2003) “Meteoric water
carrying bacteria and nutrients have ready access to flow
through the coal seams”.
Ray Evans, B.Sc - CV
in brief
Over 28 years experience in Australian hydrogeology and
environmental science, ranging across regional aquifers, fractured
rock hydrology, hydrochemistry and isotope hydrology, dryland
salinity and catchment management. |
REPORT: Groundwater Studies for the Wyong Coal
Development Project. (ERM Mitchell McCotter Pty. Ltd. March 1999)
Report 96093. 08RP Briefing Paper
This Report indicates four types* of aquifers in the proposed Coal
development Areas Within the Yarramalong and Dooralong Valleys - A
Proclaimed Water Catchment.
* Alluvial, Coastal Dune, Estuarine Backswamp, Porous and Fractured
Rock aquifers
Silt and clay lenses separating in identified boreholes were not
anticipated to impede the transmission of bulk water (pl. l -1.4,
2.2-2.6. Report 96093. 08RP).
Summary - Ron
Sokolowski B.Sc.
Scientific Member Australian Coal Alliance (ACA) 29/08/06
There is no evidence in this report which illustrates "aquicludes"
and/or confined aquifers preventing water movement. Subsidence,
arising in the valleys in the Hawkesbury Sandstone, conglomerates
and unconsolidated alluvial soils, will facilitate drainage flow
from these unconfined aquifers and to surface groundwater. These
unconfined aquifers, which are below the water table, satisfy the
Quote . . . "the water table expresses a dynamic balance between
natural recharge and discharge. It is dynamic because normal
seasonal variations in temperature (affects infiltration,
evaporation and transpiration) and precipitation( affects
infiltration) causes the water table to fluctuate and influence the
discharge rate. Engineered discharge (and recharge) disturbs the
natural dynamic balance.” . . . Unquote
Marshall, B., A.R.CS., B.Sc. Hon.(London), Ph.D. (Bristol), Grad.Dip.
Mgt.(CIAE). Adjunct Professor of Geology, University of Sydney.
GROUNDWATER lifeblood of the environment. Blue Mountains
Conservation Society. April 2005.
Longwall coal mining can be likened to an "engineered discharge" of
the coal aquifer destroying the natural dynamic water balance
arising from standing water, creeks, rivers, floodplains and
wetlands. It is an unacceptable serious threat to our public water
resources, will cause environmental degradation in perpetuity and
some swamps may also dry out. Two critical riparian corridors are
threatened in this Proclaimed Public Water Catchment which provide
transit, refuge, food and habitat areas for terrestrial fauna in
transit from the coastal plains up into the inland Wattagan
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